Monday, December 31, 2012

Molded Massage Oil | Natural Holistic Health Blog

* 4 tablespoons solid vegetable shortening
* 3 tablespoons solid cocoa butter
* 2 tablespoons solid coconut oil
* 1 tablespoon beeswax
* 1 tablespoon paraffin wax
* 10 drops orange essential oil (or whatever you like)

Heat all the above, except essential oil, in a microwave (power 7) for approximately 3 minutes or melt in a double boiler.

Stir until liquid. If you want them colored, add a crayon or wax dye. Beat for several minutes until emulsified and slightly thick. If it isn?t thickening, place your bowl in ice water as you beat it with an electric mixer.

Add essential oil. Pour into metal or lightly oiled plastic/glass molds. (Chocolate molds work well and are about the right amount for a body massage.) Refrigerate until set.

Wrap in plastic and store in a cool place.

To use, simply hand warm your molded oil and give a massage to your favorite person or give yourself a foot massage.

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About Dee Braun

Dee is an Adv. Certified Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, Adv. Color/Crystal Therapist, Herbalist, Dr. of Reflexology and single mom who is dedicated to helping others any way she can. One way she chooses to help is by offering information on the benefits and uses of natural health and healing methods for the well-being of both people and pets. Dee also teaches Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Color/Crystal Therapy at the Alternative Healing Academy


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Marietta High student marches in Macy?s Thanksgiving parade

by Sally Litchfield
MDJ Feature editor
The Marietta Daily Journal

Sarah Johnson, a senior at Marietta High School and an involved music student, had a dream of being in the Macy?s Thanksgiving parade. Though the MHS band did not audition, Johnson did by submitting an audition tape.

Macy?s selects 250 members each year from all 50 states for The Macy?s All-American Marching Band. Sarah was one of five selected from Georgia. She flew to New York and had the time of her life meeting people from all over. While there, she enjoyed the New York City experience by attending a Broadway play.

Sarah is the daughter of Janis LeMieux. She will attend Jacksonville State University in the fall.


It wouldn?t be December without cookies and sweets! On Dec. 21, Emily Keller hosted the Great Goody Swap where friends brought three dozen treats to swap.

Among those attending were: Layla Bodrogi, Zoey Brown, Katrina Noyes-Camp, Ansley Carr, Didi Elder, Maggie Epps, Randi Epstein, Maggie Huff, Grace Mulroy, Sydney Perez, Riya Vashi, and Adrienne Vaughn.

Emily is the daughter of Pam and Scott Keller of Marietta. She has one brother, Ben.


On Dec. 16, a group of friends gathered at the Marietta home of Carole Kell for their annual Christmas breakfast. Carole cooks a traditional Southern breakfast of fried pork chops, biscuits made from scratch, gravy, bacon, cheese grits and sorghum syrup and sourwood honey. The festivities began with peach blossoms, a recipe from The Cloister.

Celebrating together were Alice and Glenn Brock, Debbie and Charlie Butler, Carolyn and Doug Chaffins, Liz Cole, Linda Flournoy, Sue Hansen, and Anna and Johnny Johnson. (Terri and Earl Reece were absent for the first time due to illness).


Fashion spotlight of the week: In a black wool swing sweater, black leggings and booties ? Lori Malone ? fashionably prepared for the cold arctic breeze that blew our way!

Sally Litchfield is a longtime Marietta resident. She formerly practiced law in Marietta and now stays home to raise her two children. Send Sally news at Call Sally at (770) 425-8106.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Suspected US drone kills 3 al-Qaida men in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen (AP) ? Three al-Qaida militants were killed in a suspected U.S. drone strike in southern Yemen, Yemeni security officials said, the fourth such attack this week and a sign attacks from unmanned aircraft are on the upswing in the country.

The officials said the three men were hit as they were riding in a Land Cruiser in el-Manaseh village on the outskirts of Radda in Bayda province. Dozens of local al-Qaida-linked fighters protested the drone strikes after traditional Islamic Friday prayers.

Earlier this week another suspected U.S. drone strike killed two militants in Radda itself, Yemeni security officials say, and seven were killed in two other strikes in the southeastern province of Hadramawt. Four suspected drone strikes a week is uncommon in Yemen.

According to statistics gathered by the Long War Journal before Saturday's attacks, the United States "is known to have carried out 41 airstrikes" this year against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), as the group's branch in Yemen is known. That makes for an average of around three to four strikes per month.

The Journal, a product of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies that was founded by former U.S. officials, says that since December 2009, the CIA and the US military's Joint Special Operations Command are known to have conducted at least 54 air and missile strikes inside Yemen, excluding Saturday's suspected attack.

AQAP overran entire towns and villages ? including Radda ? last year by taking advantage of a security lapse during nationwide protests that eventually ousted the country's longtime ruler. Backed by the U.S. military, Yemen's army was able to regain control of the southern region but al-Qaida militants continue to launch deadly attacks on security forces that have killed hundreds.

Also on Saturday, two gunmen on a motorbike shot and killed an intelligence officer in the southeast, security officials said. They said that the officer, Mutea Baqutian, was on his way to work in Mukalla, capital of Hadramawt province, when the men stopped his car, gunned him down, and fled.

The government has blamed al-Qaida militants for similar assassinations of several senior military and intelligence officials this year. The bullet-riddled body of Major al-Numeiry Abdo al-Oudi, deputy director of the security department of al-Qitten in Hadramawt, was found in the town's suburbs last week. He had been kidnapped earlier in the month.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity according to regulations.

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Ahmed Seif, who is commander of Yemen's central military region, said the Defense Ministry has deployed an infantry brigade in the northeastern province of Marib to stop armed tribesmen who maintain cordial ties with al-Qaida from attacking oil pipelines and power generating stations, as well as to counter al-Qaida militants.

State TV meanwhile aired a meeting between President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and eight Yemeni sailors who were rescued last week by forces of Somalia's semiautonomous Puntland region after being held for nearly three years by Somali pirates.

The Puntland government says that its forces captured the hijacked Panama-flagged MV Iceberg 1 on Sunday after a siege that lasted two weeks. They freed the eight Yemeni sailors together with five Indians, two Pakistanis, four Ghanaians, two Sudanese and a Filipino. The ship was hijacked March 29, 2010.

Hadi congratulated the eight sailors for their safety and ordered the government to compensate them for their suffering.

Eqbal Yassin, a relative of one of the freed sailors, told The Associated Press that the hijackers had allowed some sailors to phone their relatives and convey the pirates' demand for $5 million ransom. He said he was told by his relative that the hijackers killed a Yemeni sailor who tried to escape. He gave no further details.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day | Unboxed Writers

?Oh, can?t eat another bite?, he said. Christmas dinner was good but the main course was disappointing he said. She agreed, there was no gravy! She looked around at heaped plates on every table knowing, just like her, they would either leave some on the plate or force themselves to eat to justify the exorbitant price for one meal. What they?d paid was criminal, just one meal was more than two months? salary for the maid back home in India who worked seven days a week. The thought that this also reflected the pittance paid to hard-working maids was so uncomfortable a thought, she quickly shelved it. But they were captive guests in a foreign resort in not so good weather and driving after a drink ? or two or three ? was out of the question. She swore, next year, she would cook just as big a meal at home and donate the rest of the money to charity.


Christmas must be one of the most festive or most lonely of seasons, she thought, looking around. Not just for the lonely but even for those with families. There were several middle-aged and elderly couples dotted around, some in comfortable silence, some chatting pleasantly, but most sitting in lonely little pools, cold islands of indifference. Invariably, the husband was more interested in the young and pretty little thing singing Christmas songs, gaping with foolish little fixed smiles at the entertainer younger than their daughters. The wives looked away pretending not to notice, waiting for the meal and the ordeal to be over. Some struck up conversation with the person at the next table to cover up for the long silences. It is strange, she thought, in all this expense and stress, we do not seem to realise or remember the reason for Christmas and the beautiful message brought to us by a very special child. Christmas Day seemed to have become about eating and more eating and drinking of course, and SPENDING, either on presents or food, and the consequent misery and stress to the celebrators.


In fact, many around the world welcomed the festive season and celebrated the joy and the togetherness. Yet, how many of her friends in different parts of the world shuddered at the thought of Christmas, the forced annual family get-togethers, the resentment at having to buy all the presents, and even at the ritual of having to buy, sign and post dozens of cards. Many left the chore till the last minute and suffered the frenzy of the eleventh hour rushing around to find suitable gifts and of course the food and drink shopping. The cards had gradually lost their meaning, many sent just with a hastily scrawled signature, barely legible and sometimes not even that which left the receiver guessing who in the world had sent them this ?1 card letting the printed words do all the communicating. At least some of the money spent on the card went to some charity.


This year she watched a TV programme on people doing Christmas shopping and even buying presents in the after-Christmas sale for the following year! Now I have heard everything, she thought. But she hadn?t. On a chat show, she heard about people selling their Christmas presents on Ebay. Oh, why not ? if they did not care for the presents and preferred money instead. Maybe folks should spare themselves time and trouble shopping for presents, wrapping them and writing little notes etc and simply give cash. The bitch goddess never fails to please.


She was not born a Christian but had always loved the spirit of Christmas, particularly when the children were young. The best part in the past had been taking them to their convent school mass on Christmas Eve and experiencing the sheer peace and joy of the beautifully decorated little school chapel. Of course the tree sparkling in the conservatory at home with the lights reflected all around in the glass panes, the excited squeals of the children waking up to Santa?s presents, sitting around the vast table laden with home-cooked food made the day special. Christmas was about family, it was about children. It was also about giving and sharing. They had an annual tradition of visiting an orphanage with presents every Christmas, something she wished they continued more often during the year but never did. Something about Christmas brought out this feeling of charity and goodwill. Let us hang on to that at least once a year, she thought.


She said a silent prayer. Let my children not be one of those who sit around a table groaning under the weight of too much uneaten food and moaning at all the perceived or imagined lack. Let us appreciate the blessings we already have and share them willingly and joyfully. Let us celebrate the spirit of Christmas ? or not at all.

Rani Rao Innes?is the senior partner and lead trainer of Link Communications, a specialized communications skills company based in the UK. She has regularly presented courses and training workshops for private and public business sectors as well as students and teachers in the UK, Belgium, Malaysia, Japan and India. She has also been active in theatre for 30 years and was the director of Canterbury Players in Kent for eight years.


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    Friday, December 28, 2012

    Video: Sideshow: Newt Gingrich?s ?Dancing Queen? scenes

    Will Kate Winslet become Kate Rocknroll?

    So everyone knows women don't have to change their names when they get married, but come on, Kate Winslet, don't you want to be "Kate Rocknroll"? Winslet's wedding earlier this month was a surprise, but more surprising to many was the name of her groom: Ned Rocknroll.


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    HP says gov't investigating troubled Autonomy unit

    (AP) ? Hewlett-Packard says the Justice Department is investigating the business software unit Autonomy after the computer maker said the business engaged in improper accounting before HP bought it.

    In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission late Thursday, HP said Justice officials had informed the company on Nov. 21 that they were opening an investigation. HP also said that it provided information to the SEC and the U.K. Serious Fraud Office related to "accounting improprieties, disclosure failures and misrepresentations at Autonomy."

    Hewlett-Packard Co., which acquired Autonomy for $10 billion in 2011, took an $8.8 billion charge to reflect that the U.K. company isn't worth what it paid. HP says about $5 billion of that charge stemmed from improper accounting.

    Autonomy founder Mike Lynch has said the allegations are false.

    Associated Press


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    Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Facebook testing $1 message fee for your non-friends

    Facebook has revamped its Messages service to allow more contact between your those who have Facebook accounts and those who don't, and for a $1 fee, those who aren't even your friends.

    The social network begins rolling out the updated messaging service, Facebook's version of e-mail, later today. The changes -- which go nicely with the no-Facebook-account-necessary feature of the network's latest Android messaging app -- include newly named filters for your inbox. These determine if a message goes into your inbox, the folder you usually see when you open up messages, or into the abyss, also known as the "Other" folder. The network is also testing a paid message feature.

    Facebook's had some issues with its e-mail setup in the past. It was meant to be a sort of spam filter as a part of Facebook's e-mail system. Though most folks probably don't use it, anyone can send you a Facebook e-mail, even if they don't have a Facebook account. But when Facebook first rolled out the services, users were complaining that e-mails weren't making it to the right folders or weren't arriving at all. (Not to mention, Facebook synced its e-mail addresses with people's phones automatically, changing e-mails in people's address book and causing mayhem).

    Facebook said its newly renamed filters will address this issue. Instead of setting your inbox to receiving messages from Friends, Friends of Friends, or Everyone, the new setting is called "Basic Filtering." Your in-network settings won't change, but taking away the specific restrictions -- only messages from Friends or from Friends of Friends -- allows Facebook to deliver you messages from people who aren't on Facebook without triggering the spam folder. Similarly, the Friends setting will change to "Strict Filtering." You'll only get messages from your Facebook friends, and Facebook's algorithm -- which pays attention to who is in your network as well as which messages you choose to move to your inbox -- will help determine if the person sending you an e-mail from outside Facebook really is your friend.

    What a dollar gets you

    For those instances when people want to connect but have no connections at all, Facebook is testing a way that lets them pay $1 to send messages directly into your inbox rather than your Other folder. Facebook said "several commentators and researchers" think a fee will keep unwanted messages out and encourage relevant messages:

    For example, if you want to send a message to someone you head speak at an event but are not friends with, or you want to message someone about a job opportunity, you can use this feature to reach their Inbox. For the receiver, this test allows them to hear from people who have an important message to send them.

    This is similar to the way LinkedIn does its InMail service, with one caveat. If you don't any connections to person on LinkedIn, you have to pay for them to get a message. Anyone can send you a Facebook message for free, but if you don't have connections, the message will most likely end up as spam in your Other folder, not your main inbox.

    A Facebook spokesman said this paid message feature is part of a small test, rolled out to a small percentage of users in the U.S. who will receive one of these messages per week at most. "Brands can't use this feature, not at the moment," he said.

    If this feature becomes a staple, it could be another form of revenue for the now public company looking to make money. The collective changes would also foster more communication within Facebook and opening up the lines of communication is how Facebook plans to gain more users.

    Also read:
    Facebook in 2012: 5 ways its IPO changed the social giant
    Facebook starts pushing out new privacy settings
    Facebook's new Messenger app: Path to the next billion users?


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    Recruiters anticipate continued jobs growth in 2013

    Released on 19 December 2012

    A new survey from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation confirms the positive employment outlook for 2013. According to the latest JobsOutlook, a survey of 600 employers, the UK?s jobs market is set to continue on a trend of slow growth during 2013 with 99 per cent of employers saying they plan to either increase or maintain their permanent staff in 2013. The results are also positive for temporary staff with 88 per cent of employers planning to increase or maintain their temporary staff headcount in 2013.

    The REC?s chief executive Kevin Green said:

    ?These are encouraging signs for jobs growth in 2013. Based on the feedback from both employers and recruiters it looks like employer confidence is genuinely bouncing back. Even though the wider economic outlook may still be uncertain and growth forecasts have been revised downwards, the resilience of this country?s labour market cannot be in doubt. The flexibility within our labour market means that we have not been hit with the same difficulties as our European neighbours and we believe that job growth is set to continue in the New Year.?

    JobsOutlook reports the responses of 600 employers questioned about their hiring intentions over the next quarter and the next year. Respondents are drawn from across the public, private and non-profit sector, and from across a range of industries and sizes of organisation.

    December?s JobsOutlook survey of employers reports that:
    ??96 per cent said they plan to either increase (55 per cent) or maintain (41 per cent) their numbers of permanent staff over the next three months (a total increase of one per cent on last month).
    ??99 per cent reported they intended to either increase (53 per cent) or maintain (46 per cent) their permanent headcount over the next 12 months (the total is the same as last month but sees a four per cent increase in the numbers planning to increase).
    ??86 per cent plan to increase (30 per cent) or maintain (56 per cent) their use of agency worker numbers in the next quarter.
    ??88 per cent say they will increase (26 per cent) or maintain (62 per cent) their use of agency workers over the next year. Only one in 25 employers plan to reduce permanent headcount in the first quarter of the New Year.
    ??Fewer than one in seven employers intend to cut back on temps in the first three months of 2013.


    Notes to Editors:

    1.?For more information, contact the REC Press Office on 0207 009 2157 or

    2.?The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) is the professional body for the recruitment industry. The REC represents 3,776 corporate members who have branches across all regions of the UK. In addition, the REC represents 6,000 individual members within the Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP). All members must abide by a Code of Professional Practice.? Above all, the REC is committed to raising standards and highlighting excellence throughout the recruitment industry.


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    Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    NRA Page Goes Dark: Facebook, Twitter Down & Silent; Time for Tougher Gun Laws & Control? (POLL)

    First Posted: Dec 18, 2012 08:01 PM EST

    (Photo : Facebook) NRA Facebook Blog

    The National Rifle Association (NRA) 'downed' its main Facebook page earlier this week while one of its other social media outlet, Twitter, went silent just days after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut took place.

    Only the NRA's Facebook blog page remains up and its last activity logged dates to December 14, 6:30 a.m. just hours before the massacre occurred, as reported by NBCNews.

    Like Us on Facebook

    The blog page logs posts about the associations giveaways, contests, TV shows & more and the number of likes this Facebook page has received in the last 4 days has ascended from 6,562 to the current count of 7,310.

    The NRA's news website remained viewable on Tuesday night but no post or story regarding Friday's killings could be found.

    The shootings that left 20 children and six adults dead carried out by 20-year-old Adam Lanza has renewed a national debate on tougher gun control/laws in the nation with many advocating and pushing for a assault weapons ban as earliest as 2013.

    Is it time for tougher gun laws/control?

    ? 2012 Latinos Post. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


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    Ally Financial repays $4.5B of debt owed to gov't

    DETROIT (AP) -- Ally Financial has repaid $4.5 billion of debt owed to the government after it helped bail the company out during the 2008 banking industry meltdown.

    Ally, which used to be called GMAC Financial Services, was the financial arm of automaker General Motors until GM sold its controlling stake in Ally in 2006. The government first invested in Ally in 2008, with the Treasury Department eventually gaining a 74 percent equity stake in Ally in December 2010.

    With the repayment, Ally Financial Inc. said Wednesday that it has exited the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. In October it repaid $2.9 billion of debt under the program.

    Ally said repaying the debt was an important step as it continues to try to exit government support programs.

    Aside from the assistance Ally received under the TLGP, the Detroit company also received a $17.2 billion government bailout. So far Ally has repaid $5.8 billion of that by selling off assets.

    Last month Ally sold its operations in Europe, China and Latin American for $4.25 billion to General Motors. In October Ally sold its Canadian operations to the Royal Bank of Canada for $4.1 billion and a Mexican insurance business for $865 million.


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    Defying West, Israel moves ahead with new settlements

    Israeli officials announced this week that they would press on with a surge in new settlement construction, defying criticism from Western governments that the construction would doom fledgling hopes that Israeli and Palestinian leaders might reach a peace deal.

    Israel?s governmental and municipal planning committees are weighing several projects this week that would total nearly 5,000 new homes in East Jerusalem settlements.

    Palestinian officials said that several of the projects were slated to be built on key contentious plots of land that would cut off entire neighborhoods from what Palestinians hope will be a contiguous future state.

    "The slow process of cutting Palestine into pieces will be complete if Israel goes forward with these developments," said Xavier Abu Eid, a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority government in Ramallah, West Bank. "It is a Christmas gift for Bethlehem that this biblical city will be the first to be cut off from Jerusalem."

    Israeli officials are expected to give a green light in the coming days to Givat Hamatos, a new settlement that in its first stage will include 2,610 housing units on a strategic hilltop between the cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Hagit Ofran, a spokeswoman for the Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now, said that building in Givat Hamatos was a "game changer."

    "By building here you complete the circle of settlements that have enveloped Bethlehem," she said.

    Standing on the crest of the hill where Givat Hamatos will be built, the complicated geography of the area is visible to the naked eye. Side by side are the successive hills of Israel?s East Jerusalem settlements, with the Palestinian city of Bethlehem sandwiched between them.

    Israel?s East Jerusalem settlements are considered illegal under international law, as are all buildings Israel constructs over the 1967 Green Line. But successive Israeli administrations have given East Jerusalem settlements special status, pointing out that Israel annexed East Jerusalem after the 1967 Mideast War. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has said Israel treats its East Jerusalem settlements as part of the greater Jerusalem municipality ? as one ?united city.?

    In an interview earlier this year, Barkat said it was within Israel?s rights to build ?across Jerusalem? and that international criticism of building projects was misplaced.

    "Settlement activity is unilateral and is completely adverse to the continued viability of a two-state solution and the possibility for our people to continue to exist. It?s an attack on our people?s right to life, essentially," Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told Reuters on Monday.

    The White House has joined several European countries in criticizing Israel?s new settlement construction in Givat Hamatos, as well as other East Jerusalem areas, as harmful to peace talks. In addition to Givat Hamatos, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signaled that Israel might build on E1, a 12,000-acre plot that serves as the main thoroughfare connecting the north and south West Bank.

    Other East Jerusalem settlement plans slated for this week include Ramat Shlomo, which Israeli officials green-lighted Monday for 1,500 additional housing units, and Gilo, for which Israeli officials will discuss building 1,000 new homes in a Jerusalem planning committee meeting later this week.

    "The building of new homes in Jerusalem is based on old planning and zoning," Ofir Gendelman, a spokesman for Netanyahu, wrote on his Twitter feed Tuesday.

    "No country needs or asks permission to build in its own capital," he said.

    Israeli officials have confirmed that the recent push in settlement construction came in response to the Palestinians? successful bid in the United Nations last month for nonmember status. Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said settlement construction had been frozen while Western governments tried to convince Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who?s known familiarly as Abu Mazen, to abandon the U.N. bid.

    "We said, ?We won?t build, so as not to give Abu Mazen an excuse to go to the U.N. and an excuse not to come to the table,? ? Yaalon told Army Radio, "After he did what he did . . . we removed these restrictions from ourselves."

    He added that Israel would "continue to build in accordance with the state of Israel?s strategic interests."

    Netanyahu?s political rivals have suggested that the Israeli premier is pushing the settlement construction as an election ploy to appeal to his right-wing constituency. Israel will hold national elections Jan. 22.


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    The Fed May Lose Its Best Friend in 2013: Paulsen - Yahoo! Finance

    For more than four years the Federal Reserve has been inventing new ways to print money at an unprecedented pace. Throughout this grand experiment in stimulus, the inflation hawks have blown out their voices and ruined their keyboards howling about the inflation risk and looking for the same.

    You can split hairs all you want on how inflation is measured, but the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has shown little to no increase in years. The core CPI measure excludes food and energy, so let's do that for the last 12 months. Prices at the pump are the same as they were last year. Electricity is effectively unchanged, natural gas is slightly cheaper. Orange Juice has gotten cheaper, milk and bread are unchanged. The price of ground chuck is the outlier, rising 8% over the last 12 months.

    If prices feel like they're going up, it's probably because wages have been so weak. Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management says the punk gain in wages is the new normal for this stage of the economic cycle. "This is the fourth recovery in a row now where wage inflation has continued to decline well into a recovery," Paulsen says in the attached video.

    The lack of price inflation has given the FOMC a free hand to pump in stimulus. "Wage inflation declines have been the Fed's best friend," he says. If so the Fed better get ready for lonely days this year. Over the last 30 years, wage increases have bottomed anywhere between two-and-a-half to four years after the economy bottoms. The current recovery turns four early in 2013.

    Once wages start rising again, and eventually they will, bond vigilantes and Fed critics will finally have something concrete to point to when they howl about the inflationary risk of cheap money. As higher wages lead to higher consumer prices, the FOMC will finally have to step back from its obsession with unemployment and worry about controlling inflation.

    Only then will inflation morph from the obsession of a select few to something impacting us all.


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    Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    Real Estate Buyers ? First Time Tips ? The Tim Wood Group

    bigbearviews Big Bear Real Estate Buyers – First Time Tips

    Buying a home is one of the largest purchases most of us will make. The real estate market in Big Bear has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. ?Prices have?fluctuated?significantly, as have the number of homes for sale, and getting a loan ain?t what it used to be.

    Here are five tips to simplify the process of buying real estate in Big Bear today -

    1. Lenders and budget.

    Research lenders first and use their advice in determining your budget. ?Get pre-qualified. Don?t assume that because your credit is good you will get the loan you want. This is not a surprise you want to encounter half-way through a real estate transaction.

    It?used to be that all that was required to get a loan was a pulse! ?Now, you have to be supremely qualified in order to get a loan. ?It makes sense to clear this hurdle first before getting your hopes up.

    2. Search properties online.

    Search our database, or any other real estate website that has a direct MLS feed, for Big Bear properties for sale. A site with an MLS feed gives you the most accurate and up-to-date listings. ?While other sites like Zillow & Trulia have some great market data, their listings are notoriously?inaccurate.

    Make a list of must-have features and be sure to sign-up for email alerts that match your desired criteria. ?This way, you will be updated daily on new listings that match your needs. ?The early bird gets the worm in today?s market!

    Be sure to match your expectations to your budget. And remember, there are additional expenses in the first year associated with repairs and decorations.

    Check the neighborhoods and be aware of the different services offered. Do you need to be close to lake, ski slopes and shopping? Then Big Bear Lake East or Fox Farm may be your best location. Are you looking to get away from it all? We suggest Fawnskin, upper Moonridge, Erwin Lake or Baldwin Lake. Location may also affect your home?s resale value, so always keep that in mind.

    3. Select a real estate agent to help you.

    Selecting the right agent is crucial as a good agent will save you time, money, and hassle. ?We suggest to look for a full time agent that is on top of the local market conditions. We highly recommend using a local real estate expert! ?Make sure they have sold properties and worked as a Realtor for a while. Check with friends for referrals. Visiting open houses is a great way to meet and interview agents. Once you?ve found an agent you?re interested in, check out their reviews on websites like Zillow and Yelp.

    4. Visit homes.

    Go through your list of possible homes and visit them in person. ?Trust us, they are normally much different than online. ?Give the agent feedback on what you like and don?t like as this will help them to match your needs with the best options on the market.

    Take along a notepad and be sure to get flyers on each home. ?You will forget a lot of the homes you see so having some good notes on each will help you remember later.

    5. Patience & communication.

    Lots of things come up. Real Estate transactions require patience and communication to get through the deal.

    Don?t be impulsive. Once you have found a home you?re interested in, continue to look at a few more homes. Doing your homework will help you confirm that you?re making the right decision, no need for ?buyer?s remorse?!

    Many buyers fall in love with a property that is a little beyond their budget. We advise you not to ?stretch? to get into the most expensive property you can afford. Save that money for unexpected difficulties. Make your home an affordable asset, not a liability.

    More Home Buying Tips;

    bigbearcarealestate Big Bear Real Estate Buyers – First Time Tips


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    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    Obama signs trade, human rights bill that angers Moscow (reuters)

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    Ethiopian Air says Kenya Air merger not practical

    ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) ? A merger proposal made last month by the chief executive of Kenya Airways was considered but is not practical, a senior Ethiopian Airlines official said Thursday.

    Kenya Airways Chief Executive Titus Naikuni told an aviation conference last month that his airline, Ethiopian Airlines and South African Airways should consider merging. Naikuni said the three small airlines won't be able to compete on their own in coming years.

    Yissehak Zewoldi, a vice president with Ethiopian Airlines, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advantage of increased scale would be positive but that a merger is not likely.

    "Big is always good. You can achieve better results in competitiveness and cost reduction by working together, so the merger idea is theoretically good and we looked at the idea," Zewoldi said as the airline celebrated its one-year membership in the Star Alliance.

    "But it won't go beyond that. Its practicality is highly doubtful," he said.

    Zewoldi said one top stumbling block is that Ethiopian Airlines and Kenya Airways belong to competing global alliances. Kenyan Airways is a member of SkyTeam. South African Airways belongs to the Star Alliance.

    After Naikuni's proposal, the Centre for Aviation showed how a South African-Ethiopian-Kenyan airline would rank compared with other large carriers. The three airlines combined would have a capacity of 650,000 seats weekly, it said. By comparison Delta has 3.7 million weekly seats, Lufthansa has 2.7 million weekly seats, and Emirates has 1 million weekly seats, the Centre for Aviation said.

    Ethiopian Airlines currently flies to 70 international destinations spanning four continents with 54 airplanes, including four Boeing 787 Dreamliners.


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    Hound - Our Trixie - Medium - Adult - Female - Dog

    If you are interested in adopting this dog, please fill out our dog adoption questionnaire <> and e-mail it to [email removed]. Breed Estimate: Hound/Lab mix Gender: Female Approximate weight: 50 lbs Approximate age: 2 years old Location: Foster home in DC area Coat Type: Short - little brushing needed Our beautiful Trixie is the total package. She's still very puppy-ish and loves to chase toys, wrestle, rough house, and go on long walks. But she's also loves nothing more than to cuddle up on the couch and receive lots of hugs and kisses. She's friendly with everyone she meets, both people and dogs. And Trixie even gets along with dog-savvy cats in her foster home. Trixie might be a little too much for shy, less experienced cats. Now that her eleven puppies have been adopted, she needs to find a home of her own. Don't wait - this beautiful girl won't be around for long! The adoption fee for this dog is $300, which helps with the cost of routine vet care. This fee INCLUDES spay/neuter. Our adult animal fees range and are based on: fees we pay to shelters, vetting costs, transport costs, and boarding costs. Some animals cost more than others to rescue, so that is why our fees range from $275-$350. Want to meet a handful of dogs in person? Check out a list of our upcoming pet adoption events <> . You can save animals like Trixie by becoming a foster! Fosters are like way stations between high kill shelters and forever homes. We need fosters so that we can save dogs before they are euthanized at the shelters. If you are interested in becoming a foster, please check out our information about fostering animals <> . Can't adopt but want to help? Please contact [email removed] to find out about sponsorship, fostering, and other ways you can help this animal! Please note that financial sponsorship will be applied to the specific animal you indicate unless it is not needed, at which time we will designate it for another Homeward Trails animal in need. Thank you for contacting Homeward Trails Animal Rescue and helping to save a life!

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    Friday, December 14, 2012

    Dark Ages scourge enlightens modern struggle between humans and microbes

    Dec. 13, 2012 ? The plague-causing bacteria Yersinia pestis evades detection and establishes a stronghold without setting off the body's early alarms. New discoveries reported December 13 help explain how the stealthy agent of Black Death avoids tripping a self-destruct mechanism inside germ-destroying cells.

    The authors of the study, appearing in the Dec. 13 issue of Cell Host & Microbe, are Dr. Christopher N. LaRock of the University of Washington Department of Microbiology and Dr. Brad Cookson, UW professor of microbiology and laboratory medicine.

    Normally, certain defender cells are programmed to burst if they are either invaded by or detect the presence of pathogens, Cookson explained. This host defense mechanism called pyroptosis ("going up in flames") eliminates places for the germs to reproduce. As it splits open, the cell spills a cauldron of antimicrobial chemicals and emits signals to alert of an attack and its precise location. Tissues become inflamed as more cells arrive to fight the infection.

    The bacteria are widely believed to be behind the great pestilences of the Middle Ages in the 1300s. The pathogen had evolved a tactic to delay provoking people's protective inflammatory response until it was too late. Plague claimed an estimated 30 percent to 50 percent of Europe's 14th century population.

    "People and pathogens have been in an eternal struggle since the dawn of humanity," Cookson said. With a hand over hand gesture he explained, "Humans continuously ratchet up their defenses, and germs repeatedly find a way around them."

    During several medieval epidemics, the plague started in rats. High-jumping fleas transmitted it to and between humans. It commonly caused lymph nodes to rupture. Respiratory forms were more deadly. They damaged the lungs and were spread by sneezing. Plague bacteria in the blood stream ended lives through sepsis, in which the burden of infection overwhelms the body.

    Today, the plague-causing bacteria are still circulating in the world. It is held at bay by sanitation measures and drug treatment.

    Plague is now rare, with fewer than 15 infections annually in the United States. The number of cases outside the U.S. is significantly larger, but not precisely known. Plague therefore remains of scientific interest for several reasons.

    The Yersinia survival strategy against the programmed death that could kill it and its host cell may offer ideas for vaccine development, Cookson said. At present, no vaccine exists against the plague. Yesinia is of concern as a potential biological warfare pathogen because it can be aerosolized and unsuspectingly breathed into the lungs. Vaccines are being sought to offer widespread public safety, as are methods for enhancing people's overall infection-fighting capacity.

    Yersinia's techniques for modulating an inflammatory response also offer scientists an overarching perspective on a fundamental aspect of a variety of important diseases.

    "Many medical problems stem from too much or too little inflammatory reaction," Cookson said. People who launch an insufficient inflammatory response, or whose inflammatory response is suppressed by medications, are prone to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

    "On the other hand, excessive or improperly regulated inflammatory responses are responsible for a large number of chronic conditions," Cookson said. These include vascular flare-ups leading to stroke or heart attack, and autoimmune diseases, among them lupus, juvenile diabetes, ulcerative colitis and myasthenia gravis. Severe injury also can promote life-threatening lung inflammation.

    Additionally, plague isn't the only pathogen to enhance its virulence by sidestepping the inflammatory cell death program. Several other dangerous germs do the same, but in different ways.


    Usually immune system clean-up cells that have been breached by an infection assemble a molecular platform called an inflammasome. This assembly, the researchers explained, activates a powerful, protein-cleaving enzyme called caspase-1. The enzyme is made ready to go in the presence of noxious stimuli, including germs, inorganic irritants, and pore-forming toxins.

    To survive, Yersinia pestis must disarm caspase-1. Until the present study, bacterial molecules that directly modulate the inflammasome had not yet been reported. LaRock and Cookson were able to identify a leucine-rich protein secreted by Yersinia pestis that binds and disables its arch-enemy, the caspase-1 enzyme. The potent substance, called Yop M, preempts the activity of caspase-1 and sequesters the enzyme to arrest the development of the inflammasome. As a consequence, the cell fails to sacrifice itself to get rid of the Yersinia and to warn other disease-fighting cells of the infection.

    According to the researchers, the Yop M-mediated inhibition of caspase-1 is required for Yersinia to subvert immune signaling, delay inflammation and provoke severe illness. Its dual mechanism for blocking inflammatory cell death, by blocking enzymatic activity and inflammasome maturation, is distinctive.

    While caspase-1 is helpful in combatting a number of other microbial infections, several researchers have reported it to be harmful when its activation is aberrant or poorly controlled. Faulty caspase-1 regulation is implicated in several inflammatory disorders. Learning how pathogens manage caspase-1 to their advantage may suggest treatments to limiting its excess activity.

    The research was funding by National Institutes of Health research grants HG02360 and AI057141 and National Institute of Health training grant AI055396. The study also received assistance from the Northwest Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, which seeks countermeasures against pathogens of national importance.

    Read the paper, "The Yersinia Virulence Effector YopM Binds Caspase-1 to Arrest Inflammasome Assembly and Processing" in Cell Host & Microbe:

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Washington. The original article was written by Leila Gray.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Christopher?N. LaRock, Brad?T. Cookson. The Yersinia Virulence Effector YopM Binds Caspase-1 to Arrest Inflammasome Assembly and Processing. Cell Host & Microbe, 2012; 12 (6): 799 DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2012.10.020

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Thursday, December 13, 2012

    PFT: Brees:?Goodell has 'little to no credibility'

    Rashard Mendenhall, D'Qwell JacksonAP

    Even before his suspension for not showing up for last week?s game, Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall knew he was playing out the string in Pittsburgh.

    After he lost his starting job, was a healthy scratch against the Ravens, his decision to bail on the Chargers game, the suspension and his pending free agency created a pretty clear path to the door.

    ?I would have to weigh everything, but ultimately I?ve never been a person to do things out of comfort,? Mendenhall told Ralph Paulk of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review prior to his suspension. ?I?m going to do whatever is right regardless. I?m not going to hang around for a reason like that just because I?ve been here.?

    Steelers coach Mike Tomlin said not showing up last week was inexcusable.

    ?I deem those actions a detriment to our efforts,? Tomlin said. ?I stated as such when I met with him, and there would be repercussions of it. We had a good visit. He accepted it.?

    Mendenhall had a pair of 1,000-yard rushing seasons, thinks Steelers fans will only remember his fumbles, getting demoted or his Osama bin Laden tweets.

    ?Anything that happens, which is usually negative, that?s the only picture people have of me,? Mendenhall said. ?When you think of Hines Ward, you think of his smile. You can forget if he drops a pass. There?s something to balance it out.?

    Mostly, he seems to feel constricted there.

    ?By the nature of being in the NFL and being in the locker room, representing the Steelers, you have to be a certain way and things have to be a certain way,? he said. ?Yes, if I want to stay here, I have to be in a certain box. . . .

    ?When I first got here, I thought that I wanted play with one team. With a lot of how I?ve been represented football-wise, I?m closed off and to myself. I don?t say a lot or do a lot, and because of that, people really don?t know who I am. They really can?t read me. So it?s up to others to interpret who I am.

    ?People want me to act a certain way when I move around Pittsburgh. That?s when it gets frustrating. Sometimes when people try to project the football player image on me, that?s when it doesn?t fit.?

    Based on those comments, you wonder if Mendenhall will feel valued in his next stop, which is clearly coming soon.


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    Design Review, neighbors approve off downtown retail project ...

    Design Review, neighbors approve off downtown retail project?(access required)

    The Boise Design Review Committee Dec. 12 approved plans for a downtown block of Boise that could turn from an undeveloped parking lot into four single-story retail buildings. The 300 South Capitol Boulevard project would include a larger 13,200-square-foot building that?s rumored to be the planned home to a Trader Joe?s grocery store. ?It would ...

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    Wednesday, December 12, 2012

    Time Warner Cable TV app for iOS now streams video on demand

    DNP Time Warner Cable TV app for iOS now streams video on demand

    When it comes to Time Warner Cable, it seems that late is better than never. While Xfinity subscribers have had on-demand programming on mobile platforms for the better part of two years, Time Warner Cable customers (with iOS devices) now have similar access. Subscribers can download the TWC TV app update to watch video on demand throughout the house (so long as they have Time Warner Cable television and internet service). Content from nearly 100 providers is available in both high and standard definition, and TWC claims it's working on bringing more HD programming to its library. The app update also adds a "Recent" button while watching Live TV, which lists frequented channels, making surfing a bit easier for users. Don't have an iOS device? Android and PC users should see these updates in the first quarter of 2013.

    Filed under:


    Via: Time Warner Cable Untangled

    Source: App Store


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    Direct tax collections up 15% in Apr-Nov | NiftyDirect

    Reflecting the economy?s slowing, gross direct tax collections increased only 7.1 per cent to Rs 325,696 crore during April-November, against Rs 304,002 crore in the same period last year.

    Gross direct tax collections from companies saw just a three per cent increase at Rs 205,301 crore during the first eight months of 2012-13, against the Rs 199,317 crore during the same period last year. However, gross personal income tax collections were up 14.9 per cent and stood at Rs 119,736 crore, against Rs 104,176 crore in the corresponding period of 2011-12, the finance ministry said on Tuesday.
    Net direct tax collections (after deducting for refunds), the relevant figure for the budget deficit and other key targets, rose 15 per cent to Rs 270,731 crore, compared with Rs 235,333 crore in the same period last year. Though only 47.5 per cent of the Budget estimate of Rs 570,257 crore this year, the growth rate has kept pace with the Budget target of 15 per cent over the actual figures. Now the government will have to collect Rs 299,526 crore in the next four months (December-March) of this financial year.

    Growth in net collections of wealth tax was up 27.1 per cent and stood at Rs 619 crore, compared with Rs 487 crore in the period last year.(MISSING ASSESSEES)

    Reflecting stock market conditions, collections from the Securities Transaction Tax fell 12.8 per cent in the first seven months of this financial year, Rs 2,914 crore against Rs 3,343 crore during the same period last year.

    Tax collections have remained subdued this year due to a slowing economy, which grew 5.3 per cent in the second quarter ended September, less than the 5.5 per cent in the first quarter of the current financial year. The growth rate matched that of the fourth quarter of the last financial year, a three-year low. Besides, industrial growth was just 0.1 per cent in the first half of this financial year.

    The Kelkar panel on fiscal consolidation had observed that overall tax collections, including indirect taxes, could fall short of the target by Rs 60,000 crore. However, Finance Minister P Chidambaram had said it was the worst-case scenario in the report.

    Sensing a shortfall in the target, the finance ministry yesterday asked all income tax assessees to disclose their true income if they did not want a notice from the department. Any concealment of income while filing the returns would not go unnoticed, it said, as the department had collated information on spending and investment patterns of taxpayers. It warned them to file correct returns by Saturday, when the third instalment of advance tax is due.

    Source :


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