Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Biggert endorsed by teachers' unions - Illinois Review

Rep-Judy-Biggert-webFrom the Biggert for Congress campaign -?

DARIEN - Leaders of the largest education employees' unions in both Illinois and the nation today reiterated their respective organization's support for U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert's bid to win the election for the 11th Congressional District seat.

Biggert, a Hinsdale Republican first elected to Congress in the 13th District in 1998, is recommended for election in the newly drawn 11th Congressional District by both the 133,000 member Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the three million member National Education Association (NEA).

"IEA has always been impressed by Judy Biggert's passion and hard work, particularly when it comes to issues that impact children and public education," said IEA President Cinda Klickna.

"Throughout her career, Judy Biggert has consistently reached across party lines to support legislation that improves teaching and learning conditions in our schools. Congress needs more pro-education representatives like Judy Biggert," Klickna said.

During an IEA meeting at Hinsdale South High School today, the Biggert recommendation was discussed by IEA Vice President Kathi Griffin and by Greg Johnson, a high school music teacher from Oklahoma who serves on the executive committee of the National Education Association.

"Our 3 million members are deeply committed to the success of every child, which is why we like to support lawmakers who care about students and public schools. Few people have been a better friend to public education, and the NEA, than Judy Biggert," Johnson said.

"As a community leader, former school board president, and state legislator, Rep. Biggert has always respected educators and other school employees. She is also a tireless advocate for homeless children," he added.

Rep. Biggert said she appreciated the comments at the IEA meeting as well as the support from both IEA and NEA.

"I am truly honored and pleased to receive the support of the Illinois Education Association and its 9,400 members in the 11th District," Biggert said.

"Since my time on the school board and in the Illinois legislature and Congress, I have always worked with the IEA-NEA to ensure that educators have a voice in the critical policy debates that affect them and their students. I look forward to working with the IEA-NEA and its dedicated members in the weeks and years ahead to ensure that every child gets a world-class public education," she added.

Source: http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2012/10/biggert-endorsed-by-teachers-unions.html

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