Sunday, September 30, 2012

petersavodnik: RT @BahmanKalbasi via @GEsfandiari Now even Google map calls part of L.A where many Iranians live Tehrangeles. ? #Iran

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Market Doesn't Think There's An iPhone Sales Problem ...


Lines are for sheep. The crazy ones just wait a few weeks.

This morning, Apple announced what, at first glance, looked like a disastrous number for launch-weekend iPhone 5 sales.

The "worst-case" scenario that had been thrown around was 6 million, and estimates had run as high as 10-12 million.

The 5 million number Apple reported looked so bad that, had the consensus been that it was caused by weak demand for the iPhone 5, Apple's stock would have crashed.

But Apple's stock didn't crash.

It just dipped 1%.

So that tells you that the market isn't even remotely worried about demand for the iPhone 5.

Is the market right not to be worried?


Although demand for the iPhone 5 in some locations did not seem as intense as it has in the past, most of stores appear to have run out of iPhones pretty quickly. And, as Gene Munster and other analysts noted this morning (when explaining why a number that looked like a disaster might not be a disaster), many of the 2 million iPhones ordered via "pre-orders" will be recognized as sales this week or even in October, which is in the next fiscal quarter, and therefore may not have been included in that 5-million number. (This is because Apple does not count these iPhones as "sold" until they actually reach the end customer.) And then there is probably a trend toward more online ordering instead of store-based purchases as savvy customers try to avoid wasting time in the horrendous lines that accompany every iPhone launch.

And there's another factor that is probably at work here, one that will spread sales of the iPhone 5 out over the next year instead of bunching them into a frenzied week or two:

Carrier contract expirations.

The US and other iPhone markets are now much more mature than they have been in prior iPhone launches, which means fewer of the new iPhone sales will go to "new users" (people who haven't had smartphones) than they have in the past. A larger percentage of buyers, in other words, will be coming off contracts, which may affect the timing of when these buyers can upgrade to the latest phone.

Also, in an attempt to reduce the cost of frequent upgrades (and the subsidies associated with them), the carriers have been getting more stringent about when users can upgrade to new phones. As a result, most people who bought the iPhone 4S last year--and a lot of people bought the iPhone 4S--will likely be stuck with it for a while.

Although tech snoots have been hyperventilating over the iPhone 5, moreover, the truth is that it's a relatively minor upgrade over the 4S, which itself was a relatively minor upgrade over the 4, and so on. Each incremental generation of smartphones does less to improve the overall user experience than the early upgrades did. So even folks who want an iPhone 5 and plan to get one may not feel compelled to deal with the hassles of the launch-week rush, preferring to wait until they know they can just walk into a store and get one.

Lastly, there's the ongoing challenge of supply: Even with millions of Chinese workers assigned to the task, cranking out 5-10 million iPhones in a couple of months is a mind-bogglingly complex production challenge, and Apple may simply be bumping up against the limits of what is currently possible. Although Apple undoubtedly wanted to have a successful iPhone 5 launch, it would probably actually prefer that the sales be spread out over the next 6-12 months, rather than coming in one massive burst. So it may actually not be in Apple's interest to produce much more launch-day supply.

Bottom line, there seem to be a lot of good reasons why the market concluded that there's no iPhone demand problem, despite the ostensibly lousy launch-weekend sales. And the market's probably right.

SEE ALSO: Two Charts Show How Disappointing iPhone 5 Launch Sales Look


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China's corruption crackdown takes shine off luxury boom

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Luxury brands banking on a China rebound to boost sales may be in for an unpleasant surprise: weak demand in the world's second largest luxury market may last longer than the economic slowdown as Beijing cracks down on conspicuous consumption.

China is sensitive to anything that raises suspicions of corruption, especially after the scandal involving Bo Xilai and his emerald-wearing wife Gu Kailai marred this year's once-a-decade leadership transition.

The government imposed a "frugal working style" rule on its civil servants, which goes into effect on October 1, barring them from spending public money on lavish banquets or fancy cars, and from accepting expensive gifts.

Gifts are often offered in return for favors in China, where bribery is widespread. The culture of gift giving has been a source of demand for the world's top luxury brands.

A string of high-profile incidents, including a high-speed Ferrari crash reportedly involving the son of a senior public official and a local government official photographed flaunting luxury watches beyond the reach of his salary, have enraged many Chinese who have taken to the blogosphere to vent their anger.

The local government official was fired for a "serious violation of discipline", state media said at the weekend.

Chinese police inspectors are now studying up on how to recognize luxury brands to help them expose corruption.

"Luxury products are highly expensive and civil servants, whose salaries are about 5,000 yuan ($790.6) a month, cannot afford them," China Daily reported on Friday. "So officials who possess luxury products should give convincing explanations on how they got them."

Luxury brands were already struggling with a slowing economy and a bit of flashy fashion fatigue as Chinese shoppers shun flamboyance in favor of understated displays of wealth.

Beijing's crackdown suggests that even if economic growth starts to recover later this year, as many economists predict, luxury demand may lag.

"There is definitely a general moving away from the bling and the gold taps. This is a permanent shift," said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman of the Hurun Report, a Shanghai-based luxury publishing house which compiles China's Rich List.

Hoogewerf said while many Chinese consumers are pulling back on spending because of a weakening economy, there is also a heightened sensitivity surrounding luxury purchases.


British fashion house Burberry Group Plc's warning on September 11 that its sales growth in China was far slower than expected spooked luxury investors and raised concerns that the entire sector was in danger of stumbling.

Its Italian rival, Hong Kong-listed Prada SpA, releases half-year earnings later on Monday and investors are looking to the company to provide a clearer picture of the state of Chinese demand.

Analysts have mostly remained upbeat on Prada's outlook, eyeing strong market share gains and good brand perception, but its shares are down 7.5 percent since Burberry's warning.

There are some signs that Beijing's "frugal" campaign, announced in July, is already hurting luxury demand.

In Hong Kong, a popular luxury shopping destination for mainland Chinese, July sales rose just 3.8 percent from a year earlier, slowing from June's 11 percent year-on-year growth. August figures are scheduled for release on October 4.

Gift giving is a cultural norm in China, seen as a way of showing respect. It is not unusual for civil servants to receive expensive bottles of alcohol, jewelry or lavish meals from business leaders in the community.

Since Beijing's crackdown was announced, demand for typical gift-giving products such as watches and wine has faded.

Jebsen, a distributor for premium brands in China and one of the largest Porsche dealership groups in the world, said its Porsche sales have remained healthy, up 28 percent in August from a year earlier.

But its Hong Kong Bordeaux wine sales are down 25 percent in value and 6 percent in volume. Hong Kong has been a favorite entry point to China for high-end Grand Cru wines.

To be sure, China still has plenty of people willing and able to splash out on fancy goods, and Hong Kong and the gambling enclave of Macau remain shopping paradises.

At U.S. billionaire Steve Wynn's casino in Macau, which houses high-end brands such as Louis Vuitton, Piaget and Dior, retail business is still solid with sales well up over the same period a year ago, said a Wynn spokesperson.

Outlet shopping villages are also becoming popular for Chinese consumers who benefit from hefty tax savings.

Desiree Bollier, chief executive of Value Retail, which has nine outlet villages in Europe, said Chinese customers are increasingly opting for the smaller niche European brands offering unique products they cannot find at home.

"Demand is not diminishing but evolving - the spectrum is becoming broader and more sophisticated," she said.

(Reporting by Farah Master; Editing by Emily Kaiser and Jean Yoon)


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Apple sells over 5 million iPhone 5, supply constraints loom

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