Wednesday, September 26, 2012

4 List Building Secrets For Success | Paul Eveleigh | Internet ...

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 at 10:52 pm ?

Every internet business owner knows just how important list building is to the success of their brand and the advantages it brings in maintaining good relationships with customers and prospects. But most find it a drag on their time and often give up claiming it doesn?t work. Yet there are thousands of people out there marketing to their lists that will tell you it is their most valuable asset.

Attracting people onto a list is most commonly achieved through offering an enticement such as a free gift. It is best if this can be delivered digitally as it offers instant gratification and doesn?t require any ongoing maintenance once it is set up..

Here are 4 list building secrets that you need to know to make building your mailing list successful.

Set-up a Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is just a simple web page who?s sole aim is to capture leads for the business. You can set up a simple squeeze page using HTML or set up a WordPress site and create a dedicated page on there as your squeeze page. Make sure to remove the sidebar so there are no distractions for your visitors. Add a great headline that immediately catches the attention of your visitor. Keep graphics to a minimum, may be just an image of your product to keep load times fast. Add your form code to the page so you can capture the names and emails of those interested in your offer. Include 3 to 5 bullet points that describe the benefits of of your free offer. A dedicated squeeze page works better than just adding a form onto the sidebar of a blog. In fact sending visitors to a dedicated squeeze page is proven to convert around 15 ? 20 times better.

Entice Visitors An Irresistible Offer

Offering a free irresistible gift that holds value for the visitor is a huge enticement that can interest them in giving up their email in exchange for whatever you are offering. This could be a report, a video, coupon code, almost anything really as long as it is valuable in the eyes of your visitors.

Professional Autoresponder Service

This is where your database of subscribers is housed, and where your form code will be provided for your squeeze page. Make sure that you use a professional autoresponder service like Aweber or Constant Contact, avoid free autoresponders at all costs. Free services often add their own advertising to your messages which may not be relevant, they also have limits on the amount of subscribers allowed. Most autoresponder services will not allow you to import lists without verification, so if you change provider at a later date all your list members will need to re-verify. From experience only about 1 in 5 will do so. An autoresponder will allow you to automate much of the process and once set-up will run on auto-pilot and requires very little time to maintain once set-up.

Targeted Traffic

You want targeted traffic to your squeeze page that is truly interested in what you have to offer. Targeting visitors is quite easy, just go to your favorite search engine and type in your niche + forum and you will find communities that are interested in your niche. You can also search for blogs about your subject and visit them, leave relevant valuable content in the comment box. This works by letting you leave a link to your website hyper-linked to your name, if you have left good comments the blog owner and other visitors are surely going to visit your web page. Pretty soon you will have links all over the web using this method that produce targeted traffic to your web page daily.


Download your free compact guide to list building which will provide you with more information about how you can start building your list.

About Paul Eveleigh

Paul trained as a professional photographer having photographs published in magazines and national newspapers. He later went on to to train in the construction industry and now runs his own successful business.

Tagged with: compact guide to list building ? internet marketing ? list building

Filed under: List Building

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