Saturday, September 15, 2012

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout Returns to Washington In November

September 14th, 2012 ? No Comments ? Beer Releases

Thank you, Jebus.

Thanks to +Russ for the image.

Bourbon County Stout (BCS) is one of the best barrel-aged stouts money can buy. Goose Island Brewery, located in Chicago, has been making this beer for a long time, and in 2008 we were lucky enough to start getting it out here in Seattle. But, a couple of years ago the brewery stopped sending it out this way, leaving some of us to wonder if we?d ever see it on shelves again. According to this article from a few days ago in the Chicago Tribune, the answer is ?yes?. The beer was released in Chicago this week and will hit the Seattle market the week of November 27. So, you?ll have to wait a while still, but I guarantee you this one is worth the wait.

BCS is often noted as the first beer in the US ever aged in whiskey barrels, a trend that is obviously now very popular. It weighs in at 14.5% ABV and is rich, complex and intense. It?s not exactly a session beer. What it is, is one of the best examples of a big, barrel-aged imperial stout you?ll find anywhere. Many high ABV barrel-aged stouts are just overly sweet, messy bombs of a beer. All the flavors in BCS blend together well, and the sweetness is kept to a manageable level.




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